Tuesday 13 November 2012

             Water and Electricity wastage

Without food, birds could die out.
        Impacts on the environment: 
              When water levels fall, food for birds is limited and so is the oxygen levels for the fish. This means that there will be less fish for birds(food for birds) and just less fish in general! Also whenever we use too much water, there will be less water in rivers, lakes, and wetlands.

                            Example of the impact
      Whenever you brush your teeth and leave the tap on you waste about 3 gallons of water, and over a period of one year that would be a lot of wasted water when you think about it! Also, when you take really long showers, you waste 5 to 7 gallons of water. And once again, over a one year period , that is too much water that is wasted!

      Solutions to this problem
Instead of leaving the tap on or taking long showers, turn the tap off while brushing your teeth, and take 10 to 15 minute showers to reduce the amount of water used. Just think , if you took long showers and left the tap on while brushing your teeth for one year, that would be over 500 to 1000 gallons of water wasted, which means that if everyone left the tap on and took long showers there would be almost no water in lakes and rivers. So do your best to cut down on your water usage.

      3 Interesting Facts 

On average, Canadians use over 600 gallons of water each year!!!
About 95% of the water that enters our homes goes down the drain
Older toilets can use up to 3 gallons of water while newer ones use only 1 gallon.

.http://wikiawnsers.com ( yes I did research it on other sites)

Now onto......
                           Electrical energy wastage!

      Impacts on the environment
Electrical energy is what powers our everyday devices such as lights , TV's, game systems, computers (plugged in and charging, or just using the computer), and many household appliances.I'm sure that you all know that we get our electricity because of Natural Resources, or more specifically,FOSSIL FUELS.
The more electricity we use, the more Fossil Fuels we use up. So the major impact of Electrical Energy Waste would be over usage of Fossil Fuels.

    Example of the Impact
  Streetlights, we all know that they are everywhere and we all know they help a lot at night, but what you might not have known is that they are energy guzzlers. Streetlights are absolutely everywhere today which means they are the leading cause of Fossil Fuels disappearing because they use electrical energy (electricity) and like I said before electricity is created by Fossil Fuels. Also things like TV'S and Computers use a lot of energy .
       Solutions to the Impact
     .Something as little as not leaving the lights on while your not using them can save tons of electricity ( and will also save you money on your energy bill)
.Using cold water while doing laundry saves energy because it takes a lot of energy to just heat up the water for the washing machine.

      3 Interesting Facts
.The average Canadian uses about 1600 kwh a month!!
.The dishwasher uses just about 80% of it's energy just to heat the water!
.TV's still use electricity when they are off!!!  



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